Lesson for the new GCSE Spanish 2024. It covers Module 2 (Viajes), introduction lesson (Descubre Andalucía)
FILE TYPE: the lesson is an editable PPT file. Includes a print version.
CONTENT: this lesson covers revision of the weather, using me gusta/me gustaría and photo description. All answers are included and embedded in the PPT file.
*Please note listening files must be purchased from the exam board and that I cannot provide them.
This is a lesson I have created for Dynamo 3 - Module 2 (Projets d’avenir), Point de départ. This is aimed at a mixed ability group.
In this lesson students learn about different ways of earning money, and it covers:
Talking about earning money
The present tense
Using on peut + infinitive
The booklet includes:
vocab page
2 starter taks
10+ activities (reading, vocab, translation, listening, etc.)
All answers included and embedded in the Power Point.
Listening files must be purchased from the exam boards.
Lesson for the new GCSE Spanish 2024. It covers Module 2 (Viajes), unidad 1 (En ruta).
FILE TYPE: the lesson is an editable PPT file. Includes a print version.
CONTENT: this lesson covers revision of transport and some countries. We also cover “se puede” and the comparative (más que, menos que, tan como). There is also a couple of photos to practice photo description.
*Please note listening files must be purchased from the exam board and that I cannot provide them.
This is a lesson for Dynamo 1 - Module 1 (La rentrée), unit 4 (Tu es comment?).
This lesson covers:
Describing yourself and others
Adjectival agreement
There are a couple of listening activities included in this unit. However, the sound files must be purchased from the exam boards and I cannot provide them.
Homework is not included because there is a homework booklet available for this module. You can find it here:
Please note that I am not a French native speaker and my knowledge of French is intermediate. If you spot any mistakes, you can let me know and I am always happy to amend and re-upload the resource. Remember that this resource is also editable, so that you can make any changes you want.
Lesson for the new GCSE Spanish 2024. It covers Module 2 (Viajes), unidad 3 (Mis últimas vacaciones).
FILE TYPE: the lesson is an editable PPT file. Includes a print version.
CONTENT: this lesson covers:
*Saying what you did on holiday
*Using acabar de + infinitive
*Giving opinions in the past
*Please note listening files must be purchased from the exam board and that I cannot provide them.
This is a set of three worksheets that I have created to go along with Expo 2 vert (Module 1 - Unit 3 Au boulot), although the worksheets can be used on their own (I don’t really use the textbook much to be honest).
With this resource you will find 3 different worksheets (eight exercises in total) aim at low ability groups. They will practise jobs and their masculine and feminine forms.
I have attached the worksheets in PDF and also in a publisher document. Use the PDF if you don’t want to edit the document, as it includes fonts that you won’t have in your computer. If you want to edit and adapt the document, then you might have to change the title font or make it a bit smaller.
This bundle includes:
Homework booklet
Lesson for unit 1 (¿Llevas una dieta sana?)
Lesson for unit 2 (Preparados, listos ya)
Lesson for unit 3 (¿Cuál es tu rutina diaria?)
Lesson for unit 4 (Muévete)
Lesson for unit 5 (Me duele todo)
Revision lesson
All lessons are Power Point documents, completely editable. All answers included in the documents too.
With this bundle you can save 24%!
This is a lesson I have created for the textbook Viva 3, Module 3 (En forma), Unit 3 (¿Cuál es tu rutina diaria?).
In this lesson students learn about:
Talking about your daily routine
Reflexive verbs
This lesson includes vocab activities, grammar, genuine reading.
There is no homework task as it is included in the homework booklet I have already created. You can download it here:
This is a lesson I have created for Dynamo 3 - Module 2 (Projets d’avenir), Point de départ. This is aimed at a mixed ability group.
In this lesson students learn about different ways of earning money, and it covers:
Talking about earning money
The present tense
Using on peut + infinitive
The booklet includes:
vocab page
2 starter taks
10+ activities (reading, vocab, translation, listening, etc.)
All answers included and embedded in the Power Point.
Listening files must be purchased from the exam boards.
** Please note that I am not a French native speaker and my knowledge of French is intermediate. If you spot any mistakes you can let me know and I am always happy to amend and re-upload the resource. The resource is also editable so that you can make any changes you want. **
This is a homework booklet for the French textbook Dynamo 3 (vert), Module 2 (Projets d’avenir).
The booklet includes:
All the vocab from the module (2 pages).
6 homeworks (one for each unit + revision) each homework has a couple of activities for students to complete).
All answers provided.
The document is completely editable. It includes a Power Point version and a PDF version.
***Please note that I am not a French native speaker and my knowledge of French is intermediate. If you spot any mistakes, you can let me know and I am always happy to amend and re-upload the resource. The resource is also editable so that you can make any changes you want. ***
This is a lesson I have created for Dynamo 3 - Module 2 (Projets d’avenir), unit 1 (Qu’est-ce que tu veux faire comme métier?). This is aimed at a mixed ability group.
In this lesson students learn about different ways of earning money, and it covers:
Talking about what job you want to do and why
Using “vouloir + infinitive”
The booklet includes:
vocab page
4 starter taks
10+ activities (reading, vocab, translation, listening, etc.)
All answers included and embedded in the Power Point.
Listening files must be purchased from the exam boards.
*** Please note that I am not a French native speaker and my knowledge of French is intermediate. If you spot any mistakes you can let me know and I am always happy to amend and re-upload the resource. The resource is also editable so that you can make any changes you want. ***
This is a lesson I have created for Dynamo 3 - Module 2 (Projets d’avenir), lesson for unit 2 (Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire à l’avenir?). This is aimed at a mixed ability group.
In this lesson students learn different things that we can do in the future.
The lesson includes:
vocab page
2 starter taks
All answers included and embedded in the Power Point.
Listening files must be purchased from the exam boards.
**Please note that I am not a French native speaker and my knowledge of French is intermediate. If you spot any mistakes you can let me know and I am always happy to amend and re-upload the resource. The resource is also editable so that you can make any changes you want. **
You save 18% if you get this bundle!!!
This bundle includes:
-Lesson for intro lesson (Descubre Andalucía)
Lesson for unit 1 (En ruta)
Lesson for unit 2 (La cultura en la calle)
Lesson for unit 3 (Mis últimas vacaciones)
Lesson for unit 4 (¿Dónde te quedaste?)
Lesson for unit 5 (Mi aventura por Latinoamérica)
Homework booklet
Knowledge organiser
All lessons are in Power Point format and completely editable.
Lesson for the new GCSE Spanish 2024. It covers Module 2 (Viajes), unidad 5 (Mi aventura por Latinoamérica).
FILE TYPE: the lesson is an editable PPT file. Includes a print version.
CONTENT: this lesson covers:
Talking about holidays using different tenses
Using suelo + infinitive
*Please note listening files must be purchased from the exam board and that I cannot provide them.
This is a lesson for Dynamo 1 - Module 1 (La rentrée), unit 5 (Qu’est-ce que tu fais?).
This lesson covers:
Saying what you do
Understanding infinitives
Talking about hair and eyes
There is a listening activity included in this unit. However, the sound files must be purchased from the exam boards and I cannot provide them.
Homework is not included because there is a homework booklet available for this module. You can find it here:
Please note that I am not a French native speaker and my knowledge of French is intermediate. If you spot any mistakes, you can let me know and I am always happy to amend and re-upload the resource. Remember that this resource is also editable, so that you can make any changes you want.
This is a lesson for Dynamo 1 - Module 1 (La rentrée), unit 6 (Mon interview par vidéo).
This lesson covers:
Days of the week
Months of the year
Dates & birthdays
There is a listening activity included in this unit. However, the sound files must be purchased from the exam boards and I cannot provide them.
Homework is not included because there is a homework booklet available for this module. You can find it here:
Please note that I am not a French native speaker and my knowledge of French is intermediate. If you spot any mistakes, you can let me know and I am always happy to amend and re-upload the resource. Remember that this resource is also editable, so that you can make any changes you want.
This homework booklet includes a range of activities for all the units of the new Pearson Edexcel GCSE 2024 - Module 3 - Mi gente, mi mundo.
This homework booklet includes:
1 page per unit of the book, with a couple of activities for students to complete at home.
1 vocab test for each unit of the book.
You will receive four files:
1 Power Point document with the homework booklet (editable version).
1 Power Point with the answers (editable version).
1 homework booklet (same as PPT) in PDF (not editable).
1 answer key in PDF (not editable).
Lesson for the new GCSE Spanish 2024. It covers Module 3 (Mi gente, mi mundo), introduction lesson (No hay dos familias iguales).
FILE TYPE: the lesson is an editable PPT file. Includes a print version.
CONTENT: this lesson covers revision of family members and the use of possessive adjectives in Spanish.
*Please note listening files must be purchased from the exam board and that I cannot provide them.
This is a lesson for Dynamo 3 - Module 4 (Le meilleur des mondes), Point de départ.
This lesson is aimed at a mixed ability group, therefore I have tried to keep the lesson simple and the activities not too difficult.
This lesson covers likes/dislikes, using verbs of opininon and it includes:
Food that you eat in the school cantine
Photo description
+13 activities for students to complete.
Please note that listening files must be purchased from the exam boards, and that I cannot provide them.
Lessons are completely editable and all answers are included.
No homework included as there is a homework booklet to go with this module. (COMING SOON!)